How do I know if my question is suitable for online legal advice?
If you have doubt as to the need for hiring a lawyer, your question is ideally suited for our online services.
How do I benefit from a complete consultation (A to Z) for my Real Estate project?
Costs can often be high, especially if legal advice is given by a conventional law firm or a broker’s commission. Our extensive experience with legal matters surrounding Real Estate consultations show us that with minimal financial expenditure but a wealth of knowledge and dedication on our part, our clients and customers receive information and services that help them successfully buy or sell their Real Estate.
What kinds of questions are well suited for online purchase and sales advice?
If you are looking for practical solutions or buy and sell recommendations, your question is ideally suited for our online services.
Can I ask several questions in one online enquiry?
Yes, as long as the questions are related to the same situation or problem.
Can I ask a follow-up question to the legal advice given?
Yes, as long as the questions are related to the same situation or problem.
How detailed will the reply be?
It depends on the complexity of the circumstances of the case. You will receive a short opinion that responds to your relevant question or problem. Usually, the opinion is up to an A4-page.
Is it possible to request online advice anonymously?
Unfortunately, no. Due to our profession as lawyers we are obliged to know who we are dealing with. However, all our records are confidential and details will never be shared with third parties.
How safe is my personal data?
Our lawyers and employees handle your data and information as confidential. Your data will only be stored as long as it is necessary for the processing of your query and is not accessible to third parties.
When we process your query, we are obliged by law to store the data for a period of 10 years. Upon expiry of this period your data will be deleted.